Our Off Piste courses are specifically aimed at helping YOU develop into the off piste and variable terrain safely and with confidence. There can be many reasons why you struggle to ski off piste terrain as effectively as you possibly should and this can impact on your ability to learn and improve your performance.
We will help you to develop your skiing by giving you the knowledge and then selecting the best drills and strategies to help you become more skilful. Whether you need to learn a new movement pattern (motor learning), block bad habits or make your performance stronger you will gain a greater understanding of how to train and become better.
We have the following off piste courses available:
Off Piste Beginner / Off Piste Improver / Women Only Off Piste
The Details - Off Piste Beginner
Duration: 4 half days
Cost: €410 (£350)
Group size: Maximum 6 people (min 4)
Location: Chamonix Valley ski areas
Lift pass: Visit our lift pass info for our courses.
Insurance:​​ You require to have Winter Sports Travel Insurance with piste and off piste rescue insurance (additional insurance can be purchased with your lift pass on purchase). Please ensure you read our booking conditions carefully.
Skis - please contact us to discuss the most appropriate skis for the conditions.
Avalanche safety - you will need Off Piste Safety Kit (transceiver/shovel/probe) in a suitable 25/30L backpack. The kit can be hired in resort if required.
Helmets - We recommend Helmets are worn by all clients.
Course Overview
We have specifically designed these courses with your learning and directed practice in mind. These weeks are set up as 4 x 3 hour sessions. We find that full day weeks are too much for many clients and the practice time (without your instructor watching) is so important. The 4 half day sessions will provide you with the appropriate learning time and then you have the freedom to take that knowledge and skill further and practice for the rest of the day (or spend time with family and friends if on a group holiday). Video analysis will be used to support the learning process. Off Piste safe travel and slope education will be included on these courses. We offer 2 levels of this course so that we can match compatible skiers together and can create a suitable learning environment so everyone can get the most out or their week.
Is this course for you?
If you are a competent piste skier who has taken time to develop onto all piste runs but have not yet mastered the control on varying degrees of slopes when the textures of snow changes. The off piste right at the side of the marked runs is a playground for you and you are keen to understand how to use your body and equipment to improve your enjoyment and success then this course is for you.
If our programme does not suit your dates please let us know and/or consider private lessons
*We do not provide accommodation or transport with our courses. Here are some useful links for accommodation and transport around the valley.

The Details - Off Piste Improver
Duration: 4 half days
Cost: €410 (£350)
Group size: Maximum 6 people (min 4)
Location: Chamonix Valley ski areas
Lift pass: Visit our lift pass info​ for our courses.
Insurance:​​ You require to have Winter Sports Travel Insurance with piste and off piste rescue insurance (additional insurance can be purchased with your lift pass on purchase). Please ensure you read our booking conditions carefully.
Skis - please contact us to discuss the most appropriate skis for the conditions.
Avalanche safety - you will need Off Piste Safety Kit (transceiver/shovel/probe) in a suitable 25/30L backpack. The kit can be hired in resort if required.
Helmets - We recommend Helmets are worn by all clients.
Course Overview
We have specifically designed these courses with your learning and directed practice in mind. These weeks are set up as 4 x 3 hour sessions. We find that full day weeks are too much for many clients and the practice time (without your instructor watching) is so important. The 4 half day sessions will provide you with the appropriate learning time and then you have the freedom to take that knowledge and skill further and practice for the rest of the day (or spend time with family and friends if on a group holiday). Video analysis will be used to support the learning process. Off Piste safe travel and slope education will be included on these courses. We offer 2 levels of this course so that we can match compatible skiers together and can create a suitable learning environment so everyone can get the most out or their week.
Is this course for you?
This is the course for Skiers who can already get down an off piste run but not gracefully. You might find it a challenge and use all your strength, both mentally and physically to get down safely. Ski Touring might be something that you want to develop onto, or you may already do this and want to improve your downhill journey.
If our programme does not suit your dates please let us know and/or consider private lessons
*We do not provide accommodation or transport with our courses. Here are some useful links for accommodation and transport around the valley.

The Details - Women Only Off Piste
Duration: 4 half days
Cost: €410 (£350)
Group size: Maximum 6 people (min 4)
Location: Chamonix Valley ski areas
Lift pass: Visit our lift pass info​ for our courses.
Insurance:​​ You require to have Winter Sports Travel Insurance with piste and off piste rescue insurance (additional insurance can be purchased with your lift pass on purchase). Please ensure you read our booking conditions carefully.
Skis - please contact us to discuss the most appropriate skis for the conditions.
Avalanche safety - you will need Off Piste Safety Kit (transceiver/shovel/probe) in a suitable 25/30L backpack. The kit can be hired in resort if required.
Helmets - We recommend Helmets are worn by all clients.
Course Overview
Our Off Piste Development weeks are specifically aimed at helping YOU develop into the off piste and variable terrain safely and with confidence. There can be many reasons why you struggle to ski off piste terrain as effectively as you possibly should and this can impact on your ability to learn and improve your performance. We will help you to develop your skiing by giving you the knowledge and then selecting the best drills and strategies to help you become more skilful. Whether you need to learn a new movement pattern (motor learning), block bad habits or make your performance stronger you will gain a greater understanding of how to train and become better. We have specifically designed these Women Only courses with your learning and directed practice in mind. These weeks are set up as 4 x 3 hour sessions. We find that full day weeks are too much for many clients and the practice time (without your instructor watching) is so important. The 4 half day sessions will provide you with the appropriate learning time and then you have the freedom to take that knowledge and skill further and practice for the rest of the day (or spend time with family and friends if on a group holiday). Video analysis will be used to support the learning process. Off Piste safe travel and slope education will be included on these courses.
If our programme does not suit your dates please let us know and/or consider private lessons
*We do not provide accommodation or transport with our courses. Here are some useful links for accommodation and transport around the valley.